Ākina means ‘To challenge, to encourage, or urge onwards’. It’s a powerful call to make change through bold action.
Be bold. Challenge yourself. Challenge others.
Ākina is a social enterprise. That means we’re driven by our purpose – to increase the positive outcomes made by our clients and partners.
Our vision is for a sustainable, prosperous and inclusive New Zealand.
Our dedicated team includes specialists in impact, community, enterprise, procurement and investment. We offer a unique range of tailored consulting and business development services.
Our impact
At Ākina, our impact is the impact of others
Find out more about the positive impact we help others create in our Impact Stories (case studies).
Our values
To teach or advise but also to learn or study.
Signifying respect and understanding for all people and cultures.
Ākina means to urge on, to challenge or to encourage. It’s a call to bold action.
Te Ao Māori me Te Tiriti ō Waitangi
As a charitable trust with the privilege of carrying a Māori name, Ākina is committed to contributing to a more equitable society, celebrating the unique role Te Ao Māori plays in Aotearoa New Zealand, and upholding Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Ākina is committed to supporting tangata whenua-led processes, where Māori worldviews and values shape how it works every day. Tuatahi ma te tangata / first through the people. Tuarua i roto i te mahi / second through the work.
We’ve undergone organisation wide Tiriti ō Waitangi training and are supporting staff to use more Te Reo Māori. The team are always working on more ways to weave tikanga into how we work, and direct more of our services towards Māori organisations.
Read our Submission on the Treaty of Waitangi Principles Bill here
Environmental sustainability
We’re working to be better kaitiaki of papatūānuku through operating and delivering our services in an environmentally sustainable way. We measure and offset 120% of our carbon emissions each financial year, which maintains our climate positive accreditation through ekos, the carbon measurement social enterprise.
We have a number of reduction strategies in place to minimise our carbon footprint, including reducing our waste and electricity consumption, and limiting carbon intensive travel like flights.
Learn more about our Climate Positive Journey here.
Social procurement at Ākina
When buying products and services, we always consider social procurement options and procure from social enterprises and impact enterprises where possible.
If there is not a social or impact enterprise available we prefer to work with ‘socially minded’ businesses, with values aligned to our own.
Find more about our Social Procurement Policy in our Sustainability Policy