KickStart Breakfast Delivers Strong Returns on Investment
Ākina is grateful for the opportunity to have worked with the team at KickStart Breakfast and celebrate the programme's positive impact over the past 15 years.
KickStart Breakfast is a successful example of social investment, demonstrating how targeted interventions can yield substantial long-term benefits. Enabled by Fonterra, Sanitarium, and the Ministry of Social Development (MSD), offering free breakfast to tamariki and rangatahi every school day to start their day right.
Ākina provided insights and evaluated the programme's impact on key stakeholders: tamariki and rangatahi, their whānau/families, and wider communities. This work is based on insights gained from engaging stakeholders (e.g, teachers and social workers), a literature review, school surveys, and a social cost-benefit analysis.
In summary, the report has found that the KickStart Breakfast programme:
Enhances physical wellbeing for tamariki and rangatahi;
Fuels opportunities to achieve greater educational outcomes;
Strengthens connections and builds belonging;
While focussing on tamariki and rangatahi, its impact ripples out to positively benefit their whānau, schools, and wider communities, and in turn creates an environment that fosters growth for young people.
Has a high societal benefit and has delivered Value for Money for the outcomes achieved (returning $4.4 of societal benefits for each dollar invested in the programme).
“$4.4 of societal benefits for each dollar invested in the programme”
By demonstrating a strong return on investment and positive social outcomes, KickStart Breakfast serves as a compelling case for continued and expanded social investment in early childhood development and education.
Developing this Impact Report has been a fulfilling experience for Ākina. Ākina is excited to continue seeing the programme sustain and grow its impact.
If you’re struggling to measure the positive impact your organisation creates, want create impact or want to start your social investment journey, get in touch with Ākina by emailing