Building New Zealand's Impact Economy

The Covid-19 economic crisis presents a huge opportunity to do things differently. This Ākina think piece takes a look at how New Zealand could build an economy centred around positive impact, and how enterprises can be supported to start well, run well, buy well and invest well.

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What does Alert Level 3 mean for your enterprise?

Guy Redding takes a look at Covid-19 Alert Level 3, and what social enterprises might need to consider in order to get back to business.

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ArticleGuest User
Impact in a Time of Crisis

With the Covid-19 outbreak and the anticipated economic slowdown the Government’s often referenced ‘rainy day’ is here. Ākina CEO Louise Aitken takes a look at why impact delivered through enterprise is more important than ever.

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Submission on the MfE Waste Levy Consultation Doc

The Ministry for the Environment is proposing to increase the levy on waste sent to your local landfill, as well as expanding the levy to other landfills like industrial waste landfills. Send the Ministry your own submission by the 3rd February deadline!

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SubmissionGuest User
Why being a Climate Positive organisation is important (and what it all means!)

Ākina recently became climate positive accredited thanks to working with ekos. But what does climate positive mean anyway? And, what’s involved in going carbon neutral?

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Presents with Purpose: 12 Social Enterprises to buy from this Christmas

As the silly season starts to ramp-up, Ākina social procurement advisor Julie Youngman takes a look at some festive social enterprise suppliers from the fwd: marketplace.

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Passing the Zero Carbon Bill was historic, but it's only the start.

The Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill recently passed into law. Ākina CE Louise Aitken reflects on how this milestone marks the start of a renewed journey.

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SEWF 2019: Chair's Opening Address

Hélène Malandain, Social Enterprise World Forum Board Chair, was at Addis Ababa in Ethiopia in October to hand over the waka that began its journey in Christchurch in 2017. Here’s her opening address from the forum.

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Impact Investment Readiness Grant Recipients Announced

After receiving more than 150 applications, the recipients of the Impact Investment Readiness Grants programme have been announced.

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Ākina submission on Green Bonds and Responsible Investment Products

The full text of our submission to the Financial Markets Authority, which was made on October 11 2019.

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Rotary Kick-Start Award winners announced

Thanks to Rotary Club of Newmarket and Rotary Club of Wellington three North Island social enterprises have been awarded cash prizes as part of the annual Kick-Start Awards.

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News StoryGuest User
Ākina champions ‘Not Business as Usual’ in NZ, in support of climate strikes

This Friday the 27th of September, Ākina will join tens of thousands of New Zealanders in striking to demand more action on climate change.

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Media ReleaseGuest User
Ākina submission on Venture Capital Fund Bill

Read our submission to the Venture Capital Fund Bill consultation process, which was submitted on September 20 2019.

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Impact Investment Readiness Grants applications open

Applications for the 2019 Impact Investment Readiness Grants programme are now open. We’re looking for social enterprises that need additional support to unlock the investment they need to grow.

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News StoryGuest User
How methodologies cope with the real world: What is the IEF impact framework?

Ākina Director of Invest Jackson Rowland dives into impact investing frameworks, How do they determine which investments count as ‘impact investing’?

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Rotary grants help kick North Island social enterprise into gear

For the fourth year running Ākina have teamed up with two Rotary clubs to offer seed-funding grants to the most promising emerging social enterprises in the North Island.

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Innovating for the Environment

9Wire is a brand new innovation programme focusing on environmental impact – because it’s pretty clear that our old-fashioned kiwi ‘number 8 wire’ mentality just won’t do the job anymore.

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Ākina Welcomes Hon Poto Williams as Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector

Ākina Foundation CE Louise Aitken welcomes Poto Williams to the position of Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector.

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Ākina submission on the review of the Charities Act

Our submission includes points on moving to strength-based charitable purposes, increasing capability for understanding and measuring impact, as well as accepting and encouraging charitable organisations trading for impact.

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Big businesses sign-up to big change through social procurement programme

Twelve of New Zealand’s leading public and private sector organisations have joined forces to harness the potential of social procurement.

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