Ākina and Thankyou Payroll host Penn State University Sustainability Program Students
Ākina Head of Programmes / Senior Impact Consultant Nick Douglas presenting to Penn State University Sustainability Program
Last week Ākina and Thankyou Payroll hosted the Penn State University Sustainability Program 2023, at the Ākina office in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington. Participants got to hear about social impact, environmental impact, social procurement, and impact investing.
Ākina Chief Executive Nicola Nation kicked off the presentation whakawhanaungatanga, (process of establishing relationships) with the group, and a brief history of Ākina.
Ākina Head of Programmes and Senior Impact Consultant, Nick Douglas shared insightful case studies showcasing the impactful mahi at Ākina. Through these examples, participants gained valuable insights into the various projects and initiatives undertaken by Ākina to drive positive social and environmental change.
Ākina Chief Executive Nicola Nation speaking to Penn State University students
Thankyou Payroll CEO David Morrison speaking to Penn State University students
In addition to Nicola and Nick’s contributions, the participants learned about the remarkable journey of David Morrison from Thankyou Payroll, a social enterprise dedicated to creating positive social outcomes. David's story, showed how it is possible to embed purpose and generosity into commercial business models provided a powerful source of inspiration and motivation.
“I reflected how many of these opportunities we had missed in recent years, it was so good to connect kanohi ki te kanohi / face to face.”
- Ākina Chief Executive, Nicola Nation
We hope that the Penn State University Sustainability Program participants left the gathering enriched with knowledge, inspiration, and a strengthened commitment to creating a positive impact in the world. We look forward to witnessing their future endeavors and maintaining a lasting connection through the shared vision of creating meaningful change.