Meeting Climate Leaders Coalition's New Ambition Requirements
Photo credit: Greg Nunes, Look Up Look Down Photography
The Ākina Foundation is excited to announce that we have successfully met the four minimum requirements of the Climate Leaders Coalition Statement of Ambition!
As proud signatories, we are dedicated to creating a zero-carbon, climate-resilient future where all New Zealanders can thrive. We diligently measure our emissions, adopt science-aligned targets, assess climate risks, and empower our employees and suppliers to reduce their emissions.
The full Climate Leaders Coalition Statement of Ambition (below), shows all requirements with bold showing the minimum requirements for joining.
Measuring our emissions, having them independently verified, and reporting them publicly;
Adopting short-and-long-term gross absolute science aligned targets for scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions to support the delivery of substantial reductions needed to limit future warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius;
Assessing climate change risks and opportunities (including in the value chain), setting objectives and/or target(s) to reduce these risks and maximise opportunities, and publicly disclosing them;
Proactively enabling our employees, board members, customers, and suppliers to reduce their emissions and reduce their climate change risks;
Embedding plans within our businesses to accelerate climate action across mitigation, adaptation, and transition, and incorporate te ao Māori perspectives;
Preparing for the next frontier of climate action, including considering the assessment of nature-based risks and long-term climate positive targets.
By fulfilling these requirements, we actively support Aotearoa's climate commitments and inspire other businesses to take action. Together, we can generate momentum and advocate for effective policies that provide certainty for investment and transformation. Let's unite in building a sustainable future for generations to come!
Learn more about our Climate Positive journey here: