Certification and social enterprise wages

As the Social Procurement movement builds around the world, we stay in touch with a whole range of international procurement organisations, to share insights and examine trends.

One of our partners, Social Traders, has recently written an article on wages in relation to enterprise certification – with contributions from a range of organisations, including Ākina. Here are a few words from our Director of Social Procurement, Seán Barnes to give a little context on the Social Traders article:

Ākina works with fellow intermediaries across the world in many different work areas. One area we share with others is in the certification of social enterprise suppliers for social procurement.

As topics like the Living Wage, modern slavery and working conditions become more prominent in procurement, a global conversation has opened up a number of interesting issues and questions for social enterprises.

Although some of these issues are specific to some contexts and jurisdictions they are worth considering in Aotearoa New Zealand because we know that employment is a primary factor in wellbeing.

We encourage you to consider these issues in your own social enterprise, when considering other enterprises, and in the sectors that you operate in as a buyer or supplier.


Many of these topics have shades of grey, so be prepared to take time to explore and understand the nuances!”

– Se


Read the full article below, or over on the Social Traders website

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