The Ākina Impact Report
At Ākina, our impact is the impact of others. That’s because our consulting and advisory services are designed to enable positive change in every organisation we work with, whether they’re a social or community enterprise, a not-for-profit, big business or government.
We’re privileged to work with wide range of clients and partners, some of whom are featured in this report. We love what they do, and that they are striving to be even better.
If you’re thinking about how your organisation can do more to make a positive impact, get in touch.
The Ākina
Impact Report
Financial year 2019/20
Extract from the report
A note from Louise
This financial year started much like any other, but ended like no other year in memory.
The consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic will be felt for some time to come – it’s still unclear how it will reshape our world, but we know that the shape of things must change.
The months and years ahead will require adaptation and innovation across our economy on a scale never seen before.
Many of the solutions for making the shift are already here. As you will see from this report, the businesses of tomorrow are already here too. They need to be nurtured, so that their good work grows.
I’m so proud of the work we do at Ākina – whether it’s through procurement, investment, impact consulting or supporting social enterprises in their communities. I’m humbled by the incredible organisations we get to work with. Our impact is their impact, and we only succeed when they do.
Being experts in impact requires us to constantly examine and seek to improve our own impact. This is a journey, so the way we track and report on the impact of Ākina will evolve over time – as it should – but this is the first time we’re telling the whole broad story in one place.
Thank you for reading – we hope this report inspires you to make and tell your own stories of impact. If you’re not sure where to begin, Ākina can help you start your own journey.
Globally, we might still be working out how to get where we are going, but we know we’re headed for a future where creating positive outcomes for our people and our planet is the norm, not the exception.
This journey is so important. Will you join us?
Louise Aitken,
Ākina Chief Executive